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​Product delivery

All orders are processed once payment has been received.

The customer can pick up the products by agreement,

in the studio at Súðarvogi 32, entrance from Kænuvogi,

Delivery may take 1-3 business days.

If the customer wants the product sent by post, it will be sent in 1-5 days.

If the customer wishes to have the product sent by post, he pays postage.

The product will then be mailed in 1-5 days.

Product return and refund

The customer has 14 days to cancel the purchase, provided that he has not used the product and it is returned in good condition in its original packaging. The deadline begins when the product is delivered to the registered recipient. A receipt for the product purchase must be included. If you need to return a product, please send an email to: or call or send a message to : 8980345, before returning the product. The buyer sends us the product by post at his own expense.


Útsölustaður: Skúmaskot, Skólavörðustíg 21, 101 Reykjavík

Varðveisla er hönnun á keramik vörum
Preservation is a ceramic design

Öll verð í vefverslun eru með  24% Vsk.

All prices in online shop include 24% VAT.

Vinnustofa / Workshop:

Snú Snú Keramik

Kænuvogi 32

104 Reykjavík

Opið eftir samkomulagi

Opening hours by appointment

sími / phone: 8980345

Ábyrgðaraðili: Inga Kristín Guðlaugsdóttir. Sími/Phone: 8980345. ID: 0212672959.

Póstfang: Skerjabraut 5, 170 Seltjarnarnes. Email:

© 2022 by Preservation. Proudly created with

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